11139 Los Alamitos Blvd, Rossmoor, CA 90720
Monday 9 AM–3 PM
 • Tuesday 9 AM–6 AM
 • Wednesday 10 AM–6 PM
 • Thursday 10 AM–6 PM
 • Friday 10 AM–6 PM
 • Saturday 9 AM–7 PM
 • Sunday 10 AM–6 PM

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The Meat Company - Rossmoor Rewards

About The Meat Company - Rossmoor

We are driven by a passion for our local community and the fellowship that takes place at the dining table. Our community-minded butchery & market is where you can find consciously-raised premium meats, pre-prepared side dishes, hot & cold sandwiches, fresh breads, lots of packaged goods, and even great hostess gifts.

We want to be the place where you go to make gathering with your loved ones stress-free and special. And we want to hear about how it goes afterwards
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