16691 Bernardo Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92128
M - T 9 AM–7 PM
 • F - S 9 AM–8 PM
 • SUN 9:30 AM - 5 PM

Poppy Boba Cafe - San Diego Deals


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About Poppy Boba Cafe - San Diego

Poppy Boba Cafe is a local and family owned and operated business. We go the extra mile to make our boba drinks with only wholesome ingredients. We start with house-made syrups using evaporated cane sugar, and premium loose leaf teas, fresh milk and made from scratch bobas. You can expect the same commitment to quality goes into our food as well. Let us make your day with a cup of boba. Or, together we can make a statement at your next party by offering natural made-from-scratch boba to your guests. Catering services are offered through our offsite commercial kitchen. We appreciate your support to our small business. Poppy
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