126 N 3rd St, Suite 425, Minneapolis, MN 55401
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About The Joyful Life

About Me
I’m LeJoy Nichols, and I first moved to Minnesota (where I am based) in January 1999, and shortly after that I gave birth to my son, Brayden. In 2003, I gave birth to my eldest daughter, Kathryn, who unfortunately died very soon after she was born. However, I always strive to make the best out of any situation despite the bad things that may happen in life, and from the loss of my daughter, I felt called to become a Reiki Master/Teacher and later a Massage Therapist so I could help others who have suffered trauma, loss, and/or have PTSD and to help improve people’s lives through reiki, massage, and other things like it. I also have a daughter named Kaelyn who I had three years after Kathryn in 2005, and I am married to the best guy ever, Dave, and have been since 2016.

A little bit more about me? I love to read and listen to books, write stories, craft, draw, and hang out with my two dogs, Keku and Walter. I am a certified Reiki Master/Teacher and in December of 2005, I finished my Aromatherapy Certification with the American College of Herbal Science with honors. I am also a certified Massage Therapist, Esthetician, Health/Life Coach, and Peer Support Specialist.

As far back as I can remember, I have been called to help people feel better. When I took a massage class for the first time and learned how, I felt like that was exactly what I was supposed to be doing. And I’m pretty darn good at it, so say my clients.
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