1401 Skyline Blvd Ste B, Bismarck, ND 58503
Call business for operating hours.

Once Upon A Child - Bismarck Deals

$5 off a reg. priced purchase of $25+

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Once Upon A Child - Bismarck Rewards

About Once Upon A Child - Bismarck

Kids look so great in stylish outfits, but who wants to pay high-end prices when clothes are outgrown so quickly? Once Upon A Child offers the perfect solution: the latest in new and gently used brand name clothes, toys, books, equipment, and furniture at up to 70% off retail prices! A perfect match for fast-growing babies, toddlers and youth.

Save yourself the hassle of garage sales and online listings when you can simply gather up your gently used kids stuff including: clothing, playards, toddler beds, changing tables, strollers, highchairs and toys and bring them to Once Upon A Child for $$$ on-the-spot for all items accepted.

Because we are buying new and gently used items from our customers so much, our inventory changes a lot, so shop often!

Feel free to message us with any questions or concerns you have and we would be more than happy to answer them for you!
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